Measure II breaks our urban limit line
Dublin Measure II
Measure II on the November ballot is deceptive. It claims to reduce traffic and preserve open space, but in reality it would increase traffic and reduce open space. It would allow giant distribution warehouses east of Fallon Road, huge truck traffic, and pollution. No Environmental Impact Report was prepared for voters to make an informed decision, inviting a lawsuit.
Measure II overturns Dublin residents’ decision in 2014 to create an eastern Urban Limit Line to protect scenic Doolan Canyon from being developed. When developers tried to break the Urban Limit Line to allow 2,000 houses, Dublin voters rejected their initiative by 84%.
Our 2014 Urban Limit Line already allows the Dublin Blvd. extension to connect Dublin with Livermore, but it doesn’t allow major urban development in the scenic corridor. Now the city council wants a blank check to allow massive new development on that open space land. There is no plan, no environmental report, no actual agreement with the developer about costs. The only thing known for sure is that our eastern greenbelt will be lost.
Currently, Dublin and Livermore will split the $55 million estimated cost of the roadway.
If Measure II passes, Livermore pays NOTHING. Dublin is responsible for all $55 million. That means massive development along the roadway.
Proponents of Measure II claim it will be good for the environment, but local environmental groups Save Mount Diablo, Ohlone Audubon Society, California Native Plant Society East Bay Chapter, Sierra Club, Greenbelt Alliance and others oppose Measure II – because it will actually:
Reduce open space
Destroy wildlife habitat
Worsen traffic and congestion
Block scenic views with giant warehouses
Increase air pollution from cars and huge delivery trucks
Significantly increase water consumption and sewage treatment loads
Asking Dubliners to break our Urban Limit Line, take on new financial risks, and lose more open space is wrong. Dublin deserves better.
Vote NO on Measure II
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